Aghoraacharya Baba Kinaram

Aghoracharya Baba Kinaram's first Guru named Shiva Das was a Vaishnava and Kinaram established four Vaishnava Ashrams to honour his Guru in Maruphpur, Naidhi, Parampur and Mahuarpur.
Baba Kinaram also wrote the books and commentaries named Gitavali, Ramgita, Ramrasal, Unmuni-Ram and Viveksar.

Baba Kinaram's second Guru who initiated him into the mysticism of Aghora, was the legendary incarnation of Lord Vishnu named Sri Dattatreya. According to Baba Kinaram himself it happened at mount Girnar. During the aghora diksha [initiation] Lord Dattatreya tore off a piece of flesh from his own body and gave it as prasadam blessed food to Kinaram to eat.

The sixth incarnation of the Purusha was the son of the sage Atri. He was born from the womb of Anasuya, who prayed for an incarnation. He spoke on the subject of transcendence to Alarka, Prahlada and others  Yadu, Haihaya, etc.

- Srimad Bhagavat Maha Purana 1.3.11

Anasuya, the wife of Atri Muni, gave birth to three very famous sons, Soma, Dattatreya and Durvasa, who were partial representations of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma. Soma was a partial representation of Lord Brahma, Dattatreya was a partial representation of Lord Vishnu, and Durvasa was a partial representation of Lord Shiva.

- Srimad Bhagavat Maha Purana 4.1.15

In this regard, sages cite a historical narration concerning the conversation between the greatly powerful King Yadu and an avadhuta.
Maharaja Yadu once observed a certain brahmana avadhuta, who appeared to be quite young and learned, wandering about fearlessly. Being himself most learned in spiritual science, the King took the opportunity and inquired from him as follows.
Sri Yadu said: O brahmana, I see that you are not engaged in any practical religious activity, and yet you have acquired a most expert understanding of all things and all people within this world. Kindly tell me, sir, how did you acquire this extraordinary intelligence, and why are you traveling freely throughout the world behaving as if you were a child?
Generally human beings work hard to cultivate religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and also knowledge of the soul, and their usual motive is to increase the duration of their lives, acquire fame and enjoy material opulence.
You, however, although capable, learned, expert, handsome and most eloquent, are not engaged in doing anything, nor do you desire anything; rather, you appear stupefied and maddened as if you were a ghostly creature.
Although all people within the material world are burning in the great forest fire of lust and greed, you remain free and are not burned by that fire. You are just like an elephant who takes shelter from a forest fire by standing within the water of the Ganges River.
O brahmana, we see that you are devoid of any contact with material enjoyment and that you are traveling alone, without any companions or family members. Therefore, because we are sincerely inquiring from you, please tell us the cause of the great ecstasy that you are feeling within yourself.
Lord Kṛṣṇa continued: The intelligent King Yadu, always respectful to the brāhmaṇas, waited with bowed head as the brahmaṇa, pleased with the King’s attitude, began to reply.
The brahmana said: My dear King, with my intelligence I have taken shelter of many spiritual masters. Having gained transcendental understanding from them, I now wander about the earth in a liberated condition. Please listen as I describe them to you.
O King, I have taken shelter of twenty-four gurus, who are the following: the earth, air, sky, water, fire, moon, sun, pigeon and python; the sea, moth, honeybee, elephant and honey thief; the deer, the fish, the prostitute Pingala, the kurara bird and the child; and the young girl, arrow maker, serpent, spider and wasp. My dear King, by studying their activities I have learned the science of the self.

- Srimad Bhagavat Maha Purana

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